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lets-paint-with-love @blogspot.com ♥
Friday, June 26, 2009

HI once again,
I still can't believe that michael jackson just suddenly passed away.. so shocking lehs...its just so sudden. Didn't expect him to die so fast lor...... on mon go bac school liao. BOO!!! I won't be used to getting up so early leh.. I just hve to bear with it.. no more holiday mood means more study.. i only got 212 for aggregrate score and i think i deserve it man!!! everyday play and do work oso distracted!! dun be like me lah!!! LOL!

Friday, June 19, 2009


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Monday, June 15, 2009

hi again
sry for the very very very late post... im 2 lazy >_<
BTW, i was sms-ing with jaymie and i finally fet 2 use the com.. n=but only for like 5 mins cuz i'll be going out for luch in 5 mins.... nice holiday in malaysia. CAN SOMEBODY OR ANYBODY TELL ME HOW TO LINK OTHER PPL AS IN HOW TO MAKE THE STUPID URL THING????? THX OH, U CAN TAG ON THE TAGBOX OR COMMENT THIS POST..... ._.
im trying t write a long post to make more space..... im like so bored and i havent finished all my homework... lots more 2 do. LOL!! I think my mom left without me uz the hs is like so quiet...
so spooky..... gtg
Monday, June 1, 2009

sorry but i ACCIDENTALLY deleted the other earlier posts becoz I was trying to change my blogskin and unfortunately, it did not work. I will be leaving for Malaysia tmr so pls dun contact me...... My marks is super duper low and it is suprising that my mum allows me 2 go on holiday.. i am really blessed. BTW, Happy Belated birthday JOSEPHINE!! U are really blessed in anything dat u do (mind my phrasing! LOL) I was playing clubpenguin just now and it was so boring as in I got tired of it in like just 15 mins... TSK! thats thew prob with holidays..... nothing to do except for staying at home, looking at the TV or the Com, or sleeping or doing our homework... im bored to my death and just decided to post some posts... ai ya, i only got one since like last month or wadeva.... now im just listening to some music and writing my post...(duh!!)

Im like so super excited!! I feel this tingling sensation in me( i dunno wad word to use)...... was online just now video calling Jingrou and TRYING to video call arii but she didnt pick up... 2 times... nvm la must forgive and forget. anyway i wasnt dat angry or maybe i wasnt angry at all... so dats all im gonna write.. I nd 2 rest for goodness sake!!!! remember to TAG!!!!oh ya, i changed my braces colour to purple and pink!! DUN LAUGH!!
